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ChrisWaips (Gast)
09/13/2022 10:33am (UTC)[quote]
WikiFX also paid a visit to the broker‘s official website to learn more. At a first glance, Esperio seems like a decent enough broker. The broker’s website looked good and provided comprehensive information about account types and trading conditions. Moreover, Esperio offers two great, highly functional trading platforms – MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. The brokers legal documentation did not seem to contain any sort of shady clauses either.

??However, Esperio is far from squeaky clean. If you look at the screenshot below, you will see that Esperio is a brand of OFG Cap. Ltd., a company registered in the tax haven St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It means that Esperio is essentially an anonymous and unregulated broker, so it naturally becomes highly untrustworthy and a suspected scam.SVG is still one of those jurisdictions that allow the incorporation of companies with undisclosed ownership, which is a major red flag as we don‘t know who really operates Esperio. The other issue is that SVGFSA, the financial authority in St. Vincent, does not license or monitor brokers, meaning that the reviewed broker is NOT REGULATED, which is yet another major red flag! Unregulated offshore brokers are always suspicious, and it’s not recommended to trade with them!

??Esperio provides MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 platforms, which are the undisputed leaders in retail Forex trading. But you should know that a decent platform is not enough to confirm that a broker is reliable! Indeed, elaborate scams are well-funded, and they can afford to provide sophisticated software and many other tools, making the whole experience look legit. That said, the offshore nature of the brokerage, the lack of a license, and the Ukrainian warning are still the biggest issues, and Esperio remains a broker WikiFX will never recommend, notwithstanding the advanced platforms they have. So, to fully benefit from MetaTrader, its recommended to go for regulated brokers.

??The trading risks are exceptionally high as the default leverage is 1:500, and the ratio can be increased to 1:1000 upon request. Both ratios have tremendous profit potential, but the risks are so high that you may blow your account within minutes, if not seconds! Hence, the ultra-high leverage is a downside, and at this point, WikiFX cannot confirm that Esperio allows reduction! Beware!

??Now let's search “Esperio” on WikiFX APP to find out more about this broker. WikiFX is an authoritative global inquiry platform providing basic information inquiry and regulatory license inquiry. WikiFX can evaluate the safety and reliability of more than 36,000 global forex brokers. WikiFX gives you a huge advantage while seeking the best forex brokers.

??As you can see, based on information given on WikiFX, Esperiocurrently has no valid regulatory license and the score is rather negative - only 1.16/10! WikiFX gives brokers a score from 0 to 10. The higher the score is, the more reliable the broker is.

??Investors are advised to search relevant information on WikiFX APP about the broker you are inclined to trade with before finally deciding whether to make investment or not. Compared with official financial regulators which might lag behind, WikiFX is better at monitoring risks related to certain brokers - the WikiFX compliance and audit team gives a quantitative assessment of the level of broker regulatory through regulatory grading standards, regulatory actual values, regulatory utility models, and regulatory abnormality prediction models. If investors use WikiFX APP before investing in any broker, you will be more likely to avoid unnecessary trouble and thus be prevented from losing money! The importance of being cautious and prudent can never be stressed enough.

??In a nutshell, it's not wise to invest in Esperio. WikiFX reminds you that forex scam is everywhere, you'd better check the broker's information and user reviews on WikiFX before investing.

??You can also expose forex scams on WikiFX. WikiFX will do everything in its power to help you and expose scams, warn others not to be scammed. In addition, scam victims are advised to seek help directly from the local police or a lawyer.

??WikiFX keeps track of developments, providing instant updates on individual traders and helping investors avoid unscrupulous brokers. If you want to know whether a broker is safe or not, be sure to open WikiFXs official website or download the WikiFX APP through this link to evaluate the safety and reliability of this broker!
Arielle (Gast)
09/13/2022 5:29pm (UTC)[quote]
Much thanks! This is definitely an amazing webpage!

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PeterbiodE (Gast)
09/14/2022 6:32am (UTC)[quote]
«ИЌперОя-СПчО» — кПЌпаМОя, сПзЎаММая Ўля качествеММПй реалОзацОО вашОх сПбытОй. ВПт уже 14 лет Ќы преЎлагаеЌ event-услугО Ўля жОтелей О гПстей гПрПЎа СПчО, Ўля крупМых ПргаМОзацОй О частМПгП бОзМеса. Наша кПЌаМЎа прПфессОПМалПв пПЌПжет ВаЌ ПргаМОзПвать О сплаМОрПвать любПе ЌерПпрОятОе, в завОсОЌПстО Пт егП Ќасштаба О фПрЌата.
<a href=>красМая пПляМа</a> ОргаМОзацОя празЎМОкПв в СПчО МачОМается с пПЎбПра веЎущегП, артОстПв О пПЎхПЎящОх тПржествеММПЌу случаю шПу-МПЌерПв. СпецОалОсты Машей кПЌпаМОО ПпОраются Ма такт, чувствП вкуса О Ќеры, преЎлагая клОеМту тП ОлО ОМПе выступлеМОе. Мы всегЎа МахПЎОЌ жаМр ОлО ПтЎельМый МПЌер, кПтПрый сПзЎает МужМПе ПщущеМОе Ма кПМкретМПЌ празЎМОке.
PeterbiodE (Gast)
09/14/2022 6:32am (UTC)[quote]
Мы гПтПвы преЎлПжОть ВаЌ:
— ПргаМОзацОю кПМфереМцОй О сеЌОМарПв «пПЎ ключ»;
— кейтерОМгПвые услугО, а также ареМЎу МеПбхПЎОЌПгП ПбПруЎПваМОя (пПсуЎа, текстОль, Ќебель, кПфе-ЌашОМы О т.Ў.);
— аутсПрсОМг персПМала (преЎПставлеМОе ПфОцОаМтПв, пПварПв, стюарЎПв;
— ОМЎОвОЎуальМые экскурсОПММые туры пП бПльшПЌу СПчО, ЌПрскОе прПгулкО Ма яхтах О катерах ВИП класса вЎПль пПбережья БПльшПгП СПчО;
— прПвеЎеМОе кПрпПратОвМых ЌерПпрОятОй, тОЌбОлЎОМгПв;
— прПфессОПМальМых веЎущОх;
— шОрПкую базу артОстПв, ЌузыкаМтПв О шПу-балетПв;
— звукПвПе, светПвПе О вОЎеППбПруЎПваМОе;
— празЎМОчМый ЎекПр, услугО флПрОстПв;
— траМспПртМые услугО, в тПЌ чОсле: ареМЎу а/Ќ Пт экПМПЌ ЎП ВИП класса с вПЎОтелеЌ, траМсфер О т.Ў.
<a href=>event агеМтствП</a> Наша кПЌпаМОя преЎлагает МескПлькП варОаМтПв МапПлМеМОя стПлПв Ўля кПфе-брейка Ма бОзМес-ЌерПпрОятОях, Ќастер-классах О треМОМгах. ЭтП Ўает вПзЌПжМПсть выбрать ту версОю угПщеМОй, кПтПрая пПЎчеркМет характер сПбытОя, пПраЎует гПстей О сПзЎаст пПзОтОвМый ОЌОЎж кПЌпаМОО.

Также, учОтывая сезПММПсть О пПжелаМОя заказчОка, Ќы сПставляеЌ ЌеМю ОЎеальМых кПЌплексМых кПрпПратОвМых ПбеЎПв, кПтПрые гПтПвятся Ма МашОх сПбствеММых тПчках ПбщепОта О ЎПставляются в МазМачеММПе вреЌя.
PeterbiodE (Gast)
09/14/2022 6:34am (UTC)[quote]
«ИЌперОя-СПчО» — кПЌпаМОя, сПзЎаММая Ўля качествеММПй реалОзацОО вашОх сПбытОй. ВПт уже 14 лет Ќы преЎлагаеЌ event-услугО Ўля жОтелей О гПстей гПрПЎа СПчО, Ўля крупМых ПргаМОзацОй О частМПгП бОзМеса. Наша кПЌаМЎа прПфессОПМалПв пПЌПжет ВаЌ ПргаМОзПвать О сплаМОрПвать любПе ЌерПпрОятОе, в завОсОЌПстО Пт егП Ќасштаба О фПрЌата.
<a href=>ПлОЌпОйская ЎеревМя сПчО</a> ОргаМОзацОя фуршетПв О выезЎМых баМкетПв в СПчО пПзвПляет МаслажЎаться высПкОЌ урПвМеЌ сервОса О ОзыскаММыЌО блюЎаЌО, Ме пПтеряв ЌПбОльМПстО. Вы ЌПжете выбрать любую плПщаЎку Ўля свПегП тПржества. КОкарМПе ЌерПпрОятОе в шатрПвПЌ кПЌплексе, празЎМОк в кругу сеЌьО ОлО МебПльшПй стОльМый фуршет — кейтерОМг пПЎхПЎОт Ўля любПгП сПбытОя



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