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Jurgen (Gast)
07/04/2022 5:01pm (UTC)[quote]
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doge (Gast)
07/04/2022 5:06pm (UTC)[quote]
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Josezins (Gast)
07/04/2022 8:39pm (UTC)[quote]
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07/04/2022 10:46pm (UTC)[quote]
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Yvonne (Gast)
07/04/2022 11:21pm (UTC)[quote]
Football is the most famous disciplineon the planet. Demand massive.
Hundreds of millions of people follow matches of favorite teams. Attention growing planned.

Of course for the specified sport you can make bets at bookmakers. Quickly tell development of football.

Development of discipline

Football originated several centuries BC. Disciplines with a ball in demand among inhabitants of different states. They were applied in:
• Asian countries;
• Sparta;
• Ancient Rome.
Italians improved sport. In the 16th century they introduced to the world the game "Calcio". With the development of trade, it came to the United Kingdom. Interest in sport formed instantly. By Level of Interest "Calcio" surpassed cricket.

Severe discipline

Popularity among viewers appeared not by chance. Game impressed with its dynamics. Passion on the court occurred significant. Such a scenario allowed rules of football:
1. 2 squads.
2. 25 athletes each.
3. 15 offensive players.
4. Permission to fistfights.
English created own norms. At first discipline didn't unify. In some places allowed to throw ball with hands, in others it was forbidden.
The Starting attempt to standardization was made in 1846. Conditions wanted immediate response. players from several colleges entered the field on the field during the competition. Each athlete worked in accordance with acceptednorms. Result did not inspire optimism. However, players managed to create a single regulations.

First standardization became positive. Attention public increased. As a result in England formed the first special club. Roster named "Sheffield". It happened in 1857.
After 6 years formed The Football Association of England. It immediately adopted a standard code of norms of football.

Modern outline

Over time discipline improved. Created conditions for the stadium. Approved dimensions of the gate.
Significant time is 1871. Then originated the FA Cup. Championship - oldest in the class.
1891 - time appearances in football penalty. However, from modern specified strike is. Now take penalties from point. Earlier moment was done from the line.
Game evolved. Love grew. As a result in the 1880s, the number of teams exceeded 100 pieces. In society began arise rumors. Some players felt that certain teams pay members salary. At that time sports could be only amateur. As a result norms changed. They added a clause prohibiting athletes have a salary.

Started wave slander. Lineups accused each other. Some clubs left the championship. Later norm postponed.

International development

Growth of trade increased penetration of football to Europe. Following the results sport became regulated at the international level. FIFA appeared in beginning of the last century. At the start organization consisted of 7 countries.
Unified requirements on equipment was. Football Players was required to wear:
• headdress;
• shoes;
• long stockings;
• pants.

Standard entered later. Initially athletes played without numbers. Notation appeared only in 1939.
First international tournament held at the beginning of the last century. Football included to the Olympiad. Participated only 3 teams.
Football flourished in the middle of the last century. In the world started playing Pele, Yashin and other players.



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